Our service includes checking name availability and restrictions, setting up the company with Companies House and HMRC.

You will receive the following legally require documents:

  • Certification of Incorporation.
  • Articles of Association – written rules on running the company agreed by shareholders.
  • Memorandum of Association – a legal statement signed by shareholders.
  • Share certificate.

You will then be able to start trading knowing that all your statutory duties have been fulfilled.


A Limited Company is a company ‘limited by shares’ or ‘limited by guarantee’

If limited by shares the company is normally a business that make a profit. This means you

  • The company is a separate legal eternity from you the people who run it.
  • The finances are separate from your personal ones.
  • It has shares and shareholders.
  • Profits can be keep after tax has been paid.

Whereas limited by guarantee companies are usually not for profit it has guarantors and a ‘guaranteed amount’ and it invests profits it makes back into the company.


Your Company must have:

  • At least one director.
  • Directors must be 16 year old or over.
  • At least one shareholder (see below)
  • A registered office in the UK.

Directors are legally responsible for running the company and making sure the company accounts and reports are prepared properly, they do not have to live in the UK but the company must have a UK registered office

The address must be:

  • a physical address in the UK
  • in the same country your company is registered in, for example a company registered in Scotland must have a registered office address in Scotland.

You can use a PO Box, but you must still include a physical address and postcode.

Your company address will be publicly available on the online register and this cannot be removed.

A company limited by shares must have at least one shareholder, who can be a director. If you’re the only shareholder, you’ll own 100% of the company. There’s no maximum number of shareholders.

You must also keep a register of ‘people with significant control’ (PSC). Your PSC register must include details of anyone who:

  • has more than 25% shares or voting rights in your company
  • can appoint or remove a majority of directors
  • can influence or control your company or trust

Directors’ names and personal information are publicly available from Companies House. They must provide a service address (or ‘correspondence’ address), which will also be publicly available. If they use their home address, they can ask Companies House to remove it from the register.